Empowering Your Practice 

Leveraging Participant Insights in Allied Health Practice 


Are you ready to enhance your professional practice? This workshop offers a unique opportunity to learn directly from Teisha Rose, who brings over 25 years of lived experience as a patient/client, along with professional social work expertise. 


Why This Workshop is Different 

Lived Experience Meets Professional Expertise  


Teisha Rose has learned how to embrace life with multiple sclerosis and is now applying all she knows to a new challenge—stage 4 breast cancer. This provides her with invaluable insights into the participant experience. Coupled with her background in social work, she offers a perspective that can significantly enhance your practice. 


What You Will Learn 

Key Takeaways from the Workshop 


  • Recognising Participant Situations: Learn to identify key situations participants may be experiencing and tailor your approach effectively. 
  • Practical Guidance Strategies: Apply strategies to support and guide participants through their challenges within your professional scope. 
  • Enhanced Communication Skills: Improve your ability to communicate effectively during sensitive and complex interactions. 
  • Strengthened Professional Resilience: Develop practices to maintain your emotional wellbeing while delivering high-quality support. 



Workshop Participant Feedback 

Key insight gained from workshop?


"I loved the simple structure of the 3 situations a person is in: crisis, emotional turmoil and new beginnings"



"Reinforcing boundaries by remembering clients have multiple outlets of support."


"Taking time to acknowledge clients' grief and the impact on me but then working through my own mindfulness to switch of and not carry it."

Who Should Attend? 

For Allied Health Professionals Seeking Growth 


Teisha Rose has worked closely with many allied health professionals throughout her journey with MS and stage 4 breast cancer, giving her unique insights into the challenges and opportunities within the field. 

This workshop is ideal for allied health professionals who want to integrate participant insights into their practice and elevate their professional development. 

Why Choose Hurdle2Hope®


Teisha Rose, founder of Hurdle2Hope®, offers a unique blend of personal and professional experience. With over 25 years of living with multiple sclerosis and now navigating stage four breast cancer, Teisha brings valuable insights and practical strategies to healthcare settings.

  • Lived Experience: Teisha has firsthand experience with chronic illness, providing a deep understanding of the challenges faced by both clients and healthcare professionals.
  • Qualified Expertise: As a qualified social worker with experience in corporate training and development, Teisha combines her personal journey with professional insights to deliver impactful workshops.
  • Tailored Strategies: Our workshops incorporate the Hurdle2Hope® Roadmap, offering practical strategies designed to foster resilience and wellbeing tailored to the needs of healthcare practitioners.

Why Join the Waitlist? 

Secure Your Spot and Be the First to Know 


By joining the waitlist, you’ll be the first to know when registration opens for this exclusive workshop. You’ll also receive priority access to limited spots, ensuring you don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity. 

(PS It’s happening very soon!) 


Offering Patient Insights to Inform Practice


Watch as Teisha Rose, founder of Hurdle2Hope®, offers unique insights into patient experience and clinical practice.

Discover how her journey can help clinicians enhance patient care and rehabilitation outcomes.

Don’t Miss Out—Join the Waitlist Now! 

Ready to transform your practice with insights from someone who’s been in the participant’s shoes? Sign up for the waitlist today and be the first to hear about the next workshop.Â