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Episode 41: Reiki and its Benefits for People with Health Conditions

Oct 17, 2024
Wellbeing Interrupted Podcast

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In this episode of Wellbeing Interrupted, I had the pleasure of speaking with Leisa Kelly, a Reiki Master and founder of Soul Magick. Leisa shares her extensive journey into Reiki, how it became an essential part of her life, and its potential benefits for those living with chronic health conditions. Whether you’re new to Reiki or curious about its healing properties, Leisa provides valuable insights into how this form of energy healing works, and why it's worth considering as part of a holistic approach to wellness. 


Leisa’s Journey to Becoming a Reiki Master 


Leisa introduces herself by sharing how her journey into Reiki began back in the 1990s, when Reiki was still considered "out there" and unfamiliar in her small Australian town of Albury. Over the years, she became a Reiki Master, refining her skills and evolving with the practice. In recent years, she began working with Holy Fire Reiki, a modern variation that reignited her passion for this powerful form of healing. Leisa explains how Holy Fire Reiki channels energy directly from source, making it feel "clean and crisp," and why this method has transformed her practice. 




What is Reiki and How Does it Differ from Other Energy Healing Modalities? 


For those unfamiliar with Reiki, Leisa breaks down the basics: Reiki is a traditional Japanese technique designed to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and encourage healing. Unlike other energy healing modalities, Reiki involves laying hands on the body to channel universal life force energy. Leisa emphasises that anyone can learn Reiki—there’s no need to be psychic or particularly spiritual. What sets Reiki apart from other modalities is that it is first and foremost a self-healing tool, which makes it unique in the world of energy healing. 


What to Expect During a Reiki Session 


Leisa walks us through what someone can expect during a Reiki session. The goal of Reiki is relaxation, and many of Leisa's clients find themselves deeply relaxed—even falling asleep—shortly after the session begins. In addition to feeling warmth or tingling sensations, clients might also experience visions, see colours, or feel connected to their spiritual team during the session. Leisa also offers practical advice on how to get the most out of a Reiki session, such as staying hydrated and being open with the practitioner about your health concerns. 


How Reiki Can Benefit People with Chronic Health Conditions 


Leisa explains that while Reiki is not a cure for any specific condition, it can help promote relaxation and healing for people living with chronic health issues like multiple sclerosis (MS) and stage 4 breast cancer. She emphasises that the energy in our bodies often becomes "stuck" due to emotional or physical trauma, and Reiki works to release these blockages, thereby supporting the body’s natural healing processes. While it may not be a quick fix, consistent Reiki sessions can help peel away layers of trauma and support long-term wellness. 


Reiki and Remote Healing: How Does it Work? 


One of the most surprising aspects of Reiki is that it can be performed remotely. Leisa explains that Reiki energy transcends time and space, allowing her to send healing energy to clients even when they aren’t physically present. Whether working in person or remotely, Leisa shares examples of how clients have experienced powerful emotional and physical shifts after sessions, proving that the benefits of Reiki can be felt no matter where you are. 


Choosing the Right Reiki Practitioner 


Leisa shares invaluable advice on how to choose a Reiki practitioner. She stresses that a good Reiki practitioner should be someone who practises self-healing regularly and lives by the principles of Reiki. It’s essential to find someone who walks their talk—someone who not only works on clients but also works on themselves to maintain a clear channel for energy. Leisa’s advice is simple: choose someone who lives Reiki as a way of life, not just as a part-time practice. 


Addressing Scepticism Around Reiki 


Scepticism about Reiki and energy healing is common, and Leisa addresses this. She acknowledges that many people are hesitant about practices they can’t "see," but she encourages those living with illness to keep an open mind. The reality is that energy work has been practised for thousands of years—long before modern Western medicine. Leisa suggests that combining traditional medical approaches with Reiki and other alternative therapies can offer a more holistic path to wellness. 


Connect with Leisa Kelly and Soul Magick 


If you're interested in exploring Reiki further, Leisa offers training, retreats, and in-person and remote Reiki healing sessions. She has an upcoming Reiki Level 1 and 2 training in November, as well as a retreat later in that month. You can connect with Leisa through her Soul Magick Facebook page or her website at Whether you're looking for in-person or remote healing sessions, Leisa provides a wealth of opportunities to help you reconnect with your body and spirit. 



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Transcript Episode 41 Reiki and its Benefits for People with Health Conditions


[00:00:00] Teisha: Hey there, Teisha here, and welcome to episode 41 of Wellbeing Interrupted. You might be able to hear the birds in the, in the background. I'm sitting with the windows open in our caravan. Beautiful day, beautiful weather up here at Daisy Hill at the moment. We sat outside last night and I was smiling and saying to Andrew, I can't believe we're living here. 

[00:00:28] Life is very different but I'm enjoying it so much. So I'm very grateful for this experience of living on our land. I'm also very grateful for my guest who's joining me for today's episode. Lisa Kelly is the person I've referred to a few times during the podcast episodes in relation to energy healing. 

[00:00:54] I think we chatted back in episode 31. 5. When I shared Anita's story, her story with living with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Anita and I actually met on a day retreat with Lisa. So Lisa's incredible. I am so grateful to have Lisa in the in my life, and she's also a Reiki master, and I've had lots of Reiki sessions with Lisa over the years, and I really wanted to have her on an episode. 

[00:01:31] Just to explain about Reiki, because I talk about how important it is in living with a health condition, that we're open to new ways of experiencing our health and our life. And one of those ways is to be open to Reiki. And I thought Lisa is the perfect person for us to really break down what Reiki is. 

[00:01:58] And she explains it so beautifully. So I hope you enjoy this episode. Welcome to Wellbeing Interrupted, the podcast dedicated to exploring the transformative power of a healing mindset. I'm Teisha Rose, your host. and the founder of Hurdle2Hope. If you're on a quest to not just survive but thrive after a life changing diagnosis, then you're definitely in the right place. 

[00:02:31] Living with MS and now stage 4 breast cancer has taught me a vital lesson. In the face of a life changing illness, our mindset is everything. Each week I'll share insights, tips and strategies to help you build a happier, healthier, 

[00:02:54] So, let's begin your journey from hurdle to hope starting right now. So, welcome Lisa. Thank you so much for joining me on Wellbeing Interrupted.  

[00:03:06] Leisa: Thank you so much. I'm looking forward to this conversation.  

[00:03:09] Teisha: It will be a good conversation and you were the first person that came to mind when I thought I wanted to do an episode on Reiki. 

[00:03:17] So, I guess it's We'll get right started in terms of, if you could introduce yourself a little bit, so my listeners can learn a bit more about you and your journey to becoming a master, a Reiki master. Is that how I say it? Yep. That's a  

[00:03:30] Leisa: Reiki master. Yep. Awesome. Well, my journey with Reiki started a really long time ago back in the nineties when I was young person and, um, it was very unheard of back then. 

[00:03:43] And I lived in, um, what was a small country town of Albury and Wodonga. And, um, it was still kind of seen as something out there, you know, that was way too woo woo and not accepted, but I learned Reiki, um, back in, I think it was about 1990. 899. And it was something that I had to keep hidden for a long time and only had very limited number of people outside of my Reiki crew to practice on. 

[00:04:15] And over the years, it started to become more and more popular. And I remember doing my first Reiki Masters. Um, I can't remember that when that was, but it was around sort of, you know, the early 2000s. And then since then I've gone on and re studied a number of different Reiki modalities with the different Reiki masters. 

[00:04:36] And about maybe 10 years ago, my Reiki energy felt quite stale. And the reason for that is that particularly in Australia, Reiki is seen as A modality that, you know, has to be taught the traditional way and the energy that was felt old paradigm and it didn't feel anymore. And I went off and studied a few different times with different people to see if I could re, you know, kind of invigorate that energy and it didn't happen. 

[00:05:09] And then about six years ago, I decided to study with a master in America or in Hawaii, actually, a man by the name of William Lee Rand. And he had channeled a new stream of Reiki that overlaid what's called the traditional Japanese technique called Holy Fire Reiki. And that Holy Fire Reiki reignited passion in me. 

[00:05:35] And it is so powerful and so clean and crisp because it comes directly from source. So I did my master's in Holy Fire and have been happily working with people and teaching. I'm also a teacher, um, and teaching Reiki for my students. Teaching Holy Fire Reiki for the last five or so years. Yeah, so that's my journey. 

[00:05:57] Teisha: Yeah, that's amazing. And I think why I really wanted, you know, you to come in here was lots of people living with an illness have explored or might be wanting to explore different modalities of energy healing. So I think there's a perfect opportunity for us to really To start with, get to the basics in terms of what Reiki is and then how that can benefit us in living with our health conditions. 

[00:06:26] So if we sort of break it down then a little bit, could you explain what Reiki is for listeners?  

[00:06:34] Leisa: Yeah, absolutely. So Reiki is a traditional Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation. So we don't make any wild claims that it can cure anything, but you know, we'll talk about that soon, but it's to promote relaxation and to promote healing. 

[00:06:53] Okay. And it works through universal life force energy that we channel through our bodies in through our hands and lay our hands on people. So that's the basic of it, is that's how it works.  

[00:07:08] Teisha: Okay. And so does it differ then from other energy healing? I was doing a bit of research before chatting to you and because I often just say, Okay. 

[00:07:20] Yeah, I do energy healing and I'm thinking, well, there's different types of energy healing. Reiki is one of those. So is that correct?  

[00:07:27] Leisa: Yes, there's lots and lots and lots of different modalities that are called or a part of the energy healing system, I guess. But Reiki is different to some of them because it is hands on. 

[00:07:42] Teisha: Mm hmm.  

[00:07:42] Leisa: And also, um, anybody can do Reiki. You don't have to have any particular skills. You don't have to be, you know, a psychic. You don't have to be even really spiritual, I guess, but it's open to everybody. And we are channeling universal life force energy, which all energy healing does. But first and foremost, Reiki is a self healing tool, whereas a lot of other modalities are not self healing. 

[00:08:11] So that's probably the main difference, I would say, um, but at the end of the day, we're all doing the same thing. We're all moving energy.  

[00:08:18] Teisha: Yeah. Yeah. No, that's great. And so if someone, if someone was to come into you with MS and stage 4 cancer and making appointments, what would that certain person expect during a session with you? 

[00:08:37] Leisa: Well, um, what you might expect, hopefully you would expect to relax.  

[00:08:42] Teisha: A lot of  

[00:08:42] Leisa: people come into my clinic and they say, Oh, I can't relax. And within, you know, 30 seconds of being on the table, they're asleep, which is perfect. Um, really what someone can expect is just, um, to be relaxed, but also what they may feel is heat running through their body. 

[00:09:02] They may also have, um, visions for example. So a lot of people see colors, they see symbols. And because of the way that I set up a session in terms of guiding people in through usually a visual guided meditation. they might see visions of their life, for example, um, before, you know, they've come to me. So the past, they might see the future. 

[00:09:27] Um, they might, um, connect in with their spiritual team, but base of all, they might, they will feel very relaxed and just very calm.  

[00:09:38] Teisha: Okay. So if I was, I'm having a session with you, how do I get the most out of that session?  

[00:09:47] Leisa: Uh, yeah, good question. The first thing is that I always like people to be hydrated, and that might be an odd thing to say first, but when our body is hydrated, we're able to move energy much better, much more easier. 

[00:10:01] So the first thing is to be hydrated. So the second thing is just to be open with your practitioner. And normally before you lay on the table or sit in the chair, which however your Reiki session is going to be held, or even online, is to have a consultation and find out what's going on for the person. 

[00:10:21] And that's your opportunity to be open with your Reiki practitioner, even though if you're not quite open or you don't tell your practitioner everything. they will probably feel into your auric field and see or feel what's going on for you anyway. But it's always better to be open so that they can address those things that are, you know, on the forefront of your mind. 

[00:10:44] Teisha: And that's what I talk about a lot with, on my podcast and in everything I do with Hurdle2Hope is to have an open mind. Because I know I've recommended practitioners to friends you. They're sceptical, and we'll talk about that a little bit later, and then they're almost testing you out, um, when they arrive there, and I think, what are you doing? 

[00:11:05] They don't need to prove themselves to you. You're there to get, you know, improve your wellbeing.  

[00:11:10] Leisa: Yeah, exactly. A lot of people come in, um, and because I'm psychic as well, a lot of people come in and they say, well, you're the psychic, you tell me, but that's actually not how it works. And it's, uh, even though. 

[00:11:21] When someone walks in my door, I am in a unique position, I guess, is that I can see people's energy. Um, where a lot of practitioners potentially won't be able to see people's energy. So even if people are not completely upfront, I will be able to see in their energy what's going on for them. And sometimes also people don't always know what's going on for them either. 

[00:11:45] So this is a good point about cancer, for example. In somebody's body, I see cancer as a particular colour in their auric field. But if that person doesn't tell me that they have been diagnosed with cancer, it is not my job to tell them that they have cancer.  

[00:12:06] Teisha: Okay, yeah, that's interesting. And so, is that because, um, with you saying that, is that, did you say, is that all Reiki practitioners or is that because you've got other gifts as well? 

[00:12:20] Leisa: Yeah, no, it's not all, it's not all Reiki practitioners, but all Reiki practitioners have the opportunity to be able to and feel energy. In very finite kind of vibration, um, because Reiki is a way of life and the more you build your skills, the more open to those other spiritual gifts you can become. Not everybody starts there. 

[00:12:43] Not everybody gets there, but a combination of the amount of work that I've done, my other skills, And the fact that I have seen hundreds of clients and work on myself every day is how I'm able to do that.  

[00:12:56] Teisha: Yeah, no, that's good. And that really leads in nicely in terms of if we focus on the benefit of Reiki with people with health conditions. 

[00:13:07] And can Reiki, you know, benefit someone with a chronic health condition?  

[00:13:12] Leisa: Yep, absolutely. So I want to start off with a small disclaimer here. So because we describe Reiki as a relaxation technique that promotes healing, um, we're not doctors and we can't make, you know, outrageous claims that we cure anybody. 

[00:13:29] Um, but I can talk from personal experience and I can also talk about the hundreds of case studies that I have read. So Reiki, first of all, can't hurt anybody. Um, it's just life force energy. And I want to start by talking about why we get sick. And we get sick for lots of reasons, of course, but one of them is because our life force energy is stuck in our bodies. 

[00:13:57] And that may have come about from past lives, for example, that could have been with us for a long time. It also could have been because we are conditioned from the moment we are born on how to think, how to feel, how to behave. And that causes friction in our body and it causes our energy to slow down and stop. 

[00:14:16] And we also hold stories in those energy centers. We hold emotions and we hold traumas because let's face it, we're not really taught how to deal with our emotions and our parents weren't either. So it's just generational, right? So the longer that energy gets stuck, and that, as I said, could be lifetimes, our body starts to create or develop dis ease and And I don't mean dis ease as in, you know, necessarily cancer, but dis ease because we take no notice of the hundreds of symptoms that we are given before we develop a physical illness in our body. 

[00:15:01] Okay, it's only when it comes out to the physical that we take any notice and that we actually start to do something about it. So when we get sick, it means that our energy in our body is stuck. Okay. And what's stuck in that energy is stories and suppressed emotions. So how Reiki can help somebody with physical pain or disease, you start to almost like peel away the layers of the trauma and the suppressed emotions to get down, you know, to the bottom really. 

[00:15:38] And for some people, the first time that they come and have a Reiki session, it is a profound healing, because so much is cut away in one session. But then what happens after that, because Reiki is really subtle, and really gentle, and it cannot hurt anybody, Sometimes someone will come for a session and they'll say, I didn't feel anything. 

[00:15:59] Nothing happened for me. And that's because Reiki is doing its job, not necessarily on the physical level of the body. Could be working out here in the physical, in the spiritual body, the mental body, or the, the emotional body. A lot of work is done out there as well. almost before we get to the physical layer. 

[00:16:20] So sometimes people will come to me and they'll be in a lot of physical pain and within an hour of leaving my clinic, their physical pain will be gone. Sometimes, sometimes it stays gone because you've cut through a couple of layers of stuck energy. But things like breast cancer, for example, that hasn't developed overnight. 

[00:16:43] It's been there for a really, really long time, potentially a form of life. So it doesn't disappear overnight. And what we're trying to disappear is the, the trauma and the stories and the patterns of behavior that are caught up in that energy. We're not trying to cure the cancer. We're trying to the other things that have led to the cancer. 

[00:17:06] Teisha: Yeah. Yeah, it does. That's great. And I think it's really good for a lot of people that it isn't, it's not a quick fix and you have to work on yourself. I talk about MS being my silver lining because I had done a lot of work, you know, with yourself and other practitioners with MS. And so as soon as cancer happened, I mean, We'll talk about actually, this is a good lead in to talking about remote healings as well, because that week, you know, that I was diagnosed, you were doing, you know, doing your thing, helping me, you know, remotely. 

[00:17:45] And even before I went into surgery, I've talked about in a previous episode, you did a guided meditation for me. So I was in the right state being wheeled in for my mastectomy. Um, so it's really powerful and Learning so much in dealing with MS has really helped me with cancer, and I don't think it's coincidental that I'm now in remission with cancer because of all the work that I've done. 

[00:18:15] But like you, I'm not sitting here saying, go see Lisa and the cancer will go. There is so much work, and it's a combination of a whole lot of things. But it helps so much. So in terms of that, the remote, um, yeah, working with someone remotely, is that reiki that you can do that remotely? How does that work? 

[00:18:38] Leisa: Yeah, absolutely. Well, energy doesn't know time and space. So even though it's hard to believe, we can send energy through. our ether to reach another person. So Reiki has been known for a long, long time since the inception of Reiki that we can use it via distance. So a session remotely is just as powerful as it is if someone was here in my personal space. 

[00:19:07] Um, and you know, I've, I've had people. I'll give you an example of drug takers, for example, who take drugs to get high and to have that spiritual experience. And I've had people who have worked with me remotely, come out of a session and go, wow, mind blown. I've, I've never, firstly, never experienced any of that without having taken drugs. 

[00:19:37] Second of all, how can that be happening remotely? So it's just as powerful. And the thing I, I, I do a lot of distance healing, but for me, I really like to put my hands on people. Um, so it's a very, it's a different technique that I use to, um, tap into somebody's energy. if they were remotely compared to laying on the table. 

[00:20:00] Teisha: Yeah. Okay. And yeah, sorry, I'm just thinking because it is like, when that happens, you're like, how, how's that happening? But that's where I often talk about being guided by your intuition and what feels right and connecting with the right practitioner. So having connected with you, I don't need to worry about the why or how. 

[00:20:26] I just, I trust in you and I know when I do feel funny, I, I haven't taken drugs before, so I wasn't sure what that that was, you know, equated to, but, you know, it's, it is, it is an incredible experience. What Andrew, my partner, has been incredible in this. I started visiting and doing, it was kinesiology, um, and it was energy healing. 

[00:20:52] I went out of the sessions and like, I've got no idea what happened. I don't want to tell anyone. Andrew, not into anything in particular, but said, who cares what people think? If you trust it, go with it and enjoy the benefits. And I thought, that's profound from the plumber, but it was. So I think that's what we need to do. 

[00:21:13] But I guess as a quick follow on from that, we have to be connected to the right practitioners. So many people, as you said, anyone can study and become a Reiki practitioner or, so how, what do we need to look out for? So we're, you know, being connected to the right people.  

[00:21:32] Leisa: Can I just add on to that last bit as well? 

[00:21:34] You said something triggered a thought. Is that With Reiki and I'm not sure about other, lots of other healing modalities because I haven't learned all of the healing modalities that are out there, just the ones obviously that I work with. Um, it's not me who's doing the work. I am channeling the energy. 

[00:21:54] And the energy that I work with is straight from source. It's straight from, so whoever you decide, you know, is the source energy. And also, I also work very closely with my spirit team. And my spirit team includes a bunch of my own healing guides, some galactic guides, but also the archangels. So it actually has none, nothing to do with me. 

[00:22:18] I have to make sure. Which leads into the question, I have to make sure that I'm a clear channel for that energy. And how a Reiki practitioner prepares themselves for a session or to work with clients is by becoming a clear channel for that energy to move through. So, when I say Reiki is a way of life, Reiki is a way of life. 

[00:22:44] And because it's first and foremost a self healing tool, a Reiki practitioner should be working on themselves. every single day of their life in terms of Reiki. Now, to give you an idea, sometimes I talk to Reiki masters and they'll have something wrong with them. For example, they might have had a headache for five days in a row, or they have a sore hip, for example. 

[00:23:11] And I say to them, how often are you doing Reiki on yourself? And they say, Oh, I never thought about that. That is not a Reiki practitioner that I want to go to because they are not walking their talk. So really you're looking for somebody who walks their talk and is living Reiki as a way of life, not just practicing it on the weekend and not just using it on their clients and not themselves. 

[00:23:40] Because, um, you can't become a clear channel if you're not doing your own work, and if you're not connecting in, for me, you can't be a clear channel if you're not connecting with your spirit team.  

[00:23:52] Teisha: Yeah, that's great, Lisa, and that's really, you explain, Lisa explains things so well. I did, um, yeah, I've learned a lot from Lisa and even you mentioning the, you know, source and I grew up, you know, going to church and everything was in relation to God and I'm still very spiritual, but I love that. 

[00:24:14] Um, conversation and the conceptualizing source and it's what you believe, you know, we're not saying you can't believe in A, B or C. It's like in terms of what your spirit team, who is in that spirit team. And that's what I love. Um, and working on yourself. Yeah. So that's really good as well. And I think that's what we need to do. 

[00:24:35] If we're, living with an illness. We do a lot medically and that's great, but what else are we doing? We can't just be doing that and not working on ourselves. So I think that is such a good message for anyone listening as well. And we, we touched on it a little bit before, But there are people who are so sceptical and then I think this really, I became more aware of this with the, and we'll talk about Elle Macpherson another time, but when I was reading all the media coverage on Elle and all the anger about, and she was talking about different modalities and energy healing and all, and just the anger there. 

[00:25:21] And I think, you know, How do we address some of that skepticism? Like, what's your approach to that?  

[00:25:28] Leisa: Yeah, look, it's, it's, we could probably talk about it all day. Yes, we could. I guess, um, You know, the, the media has a huge role to play in the skepticism and the medical system wants people to move through the Western medical system. 

[00:25:50] And you know, the age old argument, if you can't see it, it's not there. Um, so unless you have tried it, you'll never really know. Um, and you won't know what it can do for you unless you do try it. The beautiful thing about Reiki is that even though we talk about Source Energy and in Holy Fire Reiki, it comes from God and we use the word God and we do a lot of healing around the word God for those people who come in to learn Holy Fire Reiki and, you know, have got Attachment issues or have come from, you know, a background of religion and have moved out of the church. 

[00:26:33] There's no dogma related to, um, to, to Reiki. So that's the first thing that, you know, needs to be clear, I guess. But really, um, you know, if you're in a position with an illness like cancer, why would you not want to throw everything at it? And, you know, Um, there is so much evidence and so many case studies of a combination of alternative therapies, including Reiki, that help people through their journey of cancer, as well as, you know, the Western medical system. 

[00:27:12] No one's suggesting not to move through that if that feels right for you, but there's so much evidence out there now. It's hard to ignore.  

[00:27:21] Teisha: Exactly. And that's what I, like, there's no way I wouldn't combine both. There's no way. Because we're talking about, you know, I've got stage four breast cancer and it's like, why would I be trying to test you to see, you know, to try and catch you out, um, and say, well, it's not working. 

[00:27:41] I didn't feel this. And to me, it just makes sense. I can't, I can't, rationally or logically makes sense of why I've ended up with MS and breast cancer. So why just use a rational approach to dealing with that? Like it's for me, that's what makes sense. So yeah.  

[00:28:01] Leisa: And the other thing is that energy work has been around a lot longer than Western medical science. 

[00:28:09] So the work that I do, so outside of being a Reiki master teacher, is that I'm also a shamanic practitioner. And the, the cosmology that I follow is that we come into this lifetime with those stories in our energy centers. So our chakras, which people might know that word chakras, the energy centers inside of our body. 

[00:28:32] And we, so we already have agreed to experience an illness before we get here. And if we've come through a past life with those stories caught up in our energy centres, then we either, in this lifetime, we look for somebody, to a family, to help us heal those, those stories, or someone to exacerbate those stories. 

[00:28:57] Teisha: Yeah,  

[00:28:58] Leisa: that's already set up in our karmic contracts, in our soul contracts, in our past lives. So whether you believe that's probably a bit weird for some people, but that's been around for hundreds and thousands of years that the shamanic, you know, the shamans, the medicine people, you know, worked with energy. 

[00:29:17] We can see energy. Science has proven that we are energy and that we are vibration. So why would the Western society not believe? that energy can get stuck in our body and cause illness.  

[00:29:33] Teisha: Yeah, no, that's so, as always, you just make, make what I don't understand. I'm just, I'm forgetting that I'm not learning from you that I'm, I'm hosting the podcast because that's just so good. 

[00:29:45] And I'll definitely, um, get you back on to talk about some of those things because Yeah, it's fascinating. And that's what we've got to do. We've got to open our mind and evolve and grow if we want to live well. And yeah, and that is, for me, it has, it's opened up so much. And I'm testament to that that has worked as well. 

[00:30:10] Um, so yeah, thank you. I think, um, what, really like to do. We've covered so much and you are, I want other people to, you know, come into the world of Soulmagic, which is your business name, because you do offer so much. Um, and I think also part of why I really connected with Lisa is, you know, she's, she's, she's, she's, I found it really hard connecting people who weren't of this world, who weren't grounded, who weren't in reality, and whereas I can relate to Lisa one on one, I'm not thinking I'm, you know, connecting with someone really out there and too woo woo, um, and that's really powerful because that's what we need for people who want to. 

[00:30:58] feel safe in this space as well. So yeah, I really encourage you to connect with Lisa. So can you just share with us some of the ways people can connect with you, anything you have coming up that, you know, people may be interested in doing?  

[00:31:16] Leisa: Yep. Awesome. Um, the best place probably to connect with me on, you know, kind of to see, get a feel for who I am and to resonate, whether they resonate with me or not is probably through Facebook. 

[00:31:27] Um, so Soul Magic, um, with Lisa is my Facebook page. And outside of that, I have a website, of course, which is, which is Soul Magic, Magic's M A G I C. M-A-D-I-C-K dot com au. And, um, that's the, the, the Facebook is the best place to connect with me to really get a feel for who I am and what I believe in. And outside of that, I do teach reiki. 

[00:31:52] So I actually have a reiki, um, level one and level two course in November, which is on the 16th and 17th of November. You can find those details on my Facebook page. But I also have a retreat coming up in November. So the November retreat is on the 29th of November for two nights, three days or two, two and a half days. 

[00:32:13] And really that gives people an opportunity to not necessarily learn Reiki, for example, or learn other things that I do, but experience those things, um, and learn how to connect in with your body and learn how to connect in with your spirit team. And those two things alone, connecting with your body and connecting with your spirit team, will help you exponentially in all areas of your life. 

[00:32:37] So they're all, all those details can be found on Facebook.  

[00:32:41] Teisha: Excellent. And I am returning for Lisa's Retreat. I went on Lisa's Retreat really, uh, a month after my mastectomies last time. So I'm looking forward to not being in quite as much pain and really enjoying it. But it was incredible. I just loved the experience. 

[00:33:00] I was a bit nervous going. I thought, I don't know, this is my thing. But I loved it so much. I'm coming back and it's just in my diary for each year because we need to spend that time on ourselves.  

[00:33:12] Leisa: Yeah, absolutely. Well, the thing, the thing that I find most with my clients is that, and because of our fast paced lives, Um, we are so disconnected from our physical bodies that a lot of people don't know, this is a great point for people who are living with disease, they don't know that they have got stage 4 cancer until the doctor tells them that they've got stage 4 cancer. 

[00:33:39] If you are connected to your body, you will know that there's something is wrong way before the doctor tells you that you're at stage 4.  

[00:33:49] Teisha: Yeah, no, that's good. And that's what we need. You know, we need to, and that's what I talk about, taking time to really be aware of what's around us and inside us. Um, so yeah, that's great. 

[00:34:03] Well, thank you so much for coming on to Wellbeing Interrupted. I'll provide all of the links in the show notes to connect with Lisa. As I said, you know, full disclosure. Lisa has been, well I've been, yeah, very fortunate to come across Lisa and connect with Lisa and I've had so many incredible sessions with her that I hope, you know, you get to be part of Lisa's world as well. 

[00:34:30] Thank  

[00:34:30] Leisa: you so much for having me.  

[00:34:32] Teisha: You're welcome. 

[00:34:38] Okay, so I hope you enjoyed that episode today. I hope you Learned a bit about what Reiki is. Lisa is so good at breaking things down and it really helps me understand what's going on. But I'm a really big believer that to live well with our health conditions, we do need to continuously evolve and grow. 

[00:35:05] And part of that is being open to new ways of experiencing our health. I encourage you to connect with Lisa. Lisa is on Facebook. She's very active on Facebook. I'll put the link in our show notes. Her Facebook handle or Facebook page is SolMagic. So it's magic with a K on the end. with Lisa. Have a look there, she'll have all the different links, including to the Reiki training, if you're interested in doing that. 

[00:35:42] Also to the retreat, we should say we live in Victoria, Australia, and the retreat is in Dalesford or Hepburn Springs, and Lisa is down on the Bellarine Peninsula in Geelong. I'll also put in a Calendly link and if you want to have a session with Lisa, either in person or remote healing, I really encourage you to book a session with her. 

[00:36:11] So I'll put that into the show notes as well. Follow me on Instagram at Hurdle2Hope. I'll put links there as well. You can also DM me at Hurdle2Hope with the number 2 and I can provide you The link's there. As always, an episode this time that really relates to my discussion with Lisa. In episode 22, I mentioned about Angel number 22. 

[00:36:42] Also, if you're new to my Hurdle2Hope world, which is my business, one way to get connected is to visit Hurdle2Hope. com forward slash That will take you to the Healing Journey Quiz and that will show you where you are and what you need to do to, I guess, start your healing straight away. And I refer to it as a healing mindset. 

[00:37:11] And that's what my, I guess, core belief is, is that if we have the right mindset, then we can really start healing, you know, from the very moment we're diagnosed with a health condition. So visit Hurdle2Hope with the number two dot com forward slash quiz. And let's connect and see where you are now and what you need to do to keep moving forward. 

[00:37:38] Yeah. So I hope you have a great week. I'm looking forward to this beautiful weather continuing up at Daisy Hill, and I really look forward to chatting to you next week.