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35. Hurdle2Hope Stories: Meet Anita Shaw - Living With RA

Sep 05, 2024
Wellbeing Interrupted Episode 35

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Living with a chronic illness like rheumatoid arthritis (RA) presents countless challenges, both physically and emotionally. In this Hurdle2Hope®️ Story, I sat down with Anita Shaw to explore her journey of living with RA for over 30 years. From receiving her initial diagnosis to finding strength in family, work, and creative expression, Anita’s story is a testament to resilience, adaptability, and hope.


Receiving a Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosis


Anita was diagnosed with RA at the age of 27, after experiencing persistent pain in her hands and feet. It wasn’t an easy diagnosis to accept, especially being so young, but early detection made it possible for her to begin treatment and manage the symptoms. Finding the right medication took time—trying one treatment after another to see what worked best for her body—but Anita remained determined not to let the pain define her life. For those newly diagnosed with RA or any chronic illness, Anita’s experience highlights the importance of perseverance and working closely with healthcare professionals to find a treatment plan that works.


Traveling the World While Managing a Chronic Condition


One of Anita’s passions is travelling, and she didn’t let RA stop her from fulfilling her dreams of exploring the world. After carefully managing her symptoms and medications, Anita spent a year backpacking solo across the globe. Travelling with a chronic illness can be daunting, but for Anita, it was empowering. Her journey emphasizes the value of preparation, from carrying essential medications to getting approval from doctors before taking long trips. More than that, her travels taught her to live life fully, despite the limitations of RA. For anyone facing chronic illness, Anita’s story is a reminder that our conditions don’t have to limit our capacity to experience life’s greatest adventures.


Family Planning Challenges with Chronic Illness


Living with RA also shaped Anita’s family planning decisions. After facing challenges along the way, Anita and her husband took different approaches to building their family. Although the path wasn’t what they initially expected, it led them to a deeply fulfilling family life. This experience highlights how chronic illness can affect major life decisions, but with perseverance and flexibility, it is possible to create the family life you dream of, even if the journey takes unexpected turns.



Managing Work and Rheumatoid Arthritis


Like many people living with chronic illness, Anita’s RA began to impact her work as she got older. Walking around her job as a high school integration aide became more difficult, and stress exacerbated her symptoms. Instead of letting RA stop her, Anita found a way to adapt. She cut down her workdays and turned to her creative passions, starting her own macramé business called Knots by Anita. Creating macramé was therapeutic for her hands, providing both physical relief and emotional fulfillment. Anita’s ability to pivot her career path shows the importance of flexibility in managing chronic conditions while still pursuing passions and purpose.


Finding Strength and Hope with Rheumatoid Arthritis


Through all of these challenges—diagnosis, travel, family, and career—Anita’s story is grounded in her resilience and determination to live a full life with RA. Her ability to adapt to physical limitations while maintaining her joy and creativity is inspiring for anyone facing a chronic illness. She emphasises the importance of being kind to yourself, listening to your body, and taking time to rest when needed.


Anita’s journey reminds us all that while living with a chronic illness is tough, it is possible to lead a rich, fulfilling life when we embrace adaptability, find new passions, and hold on to hope.