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Episode 15. Brainz Magazine: Applying Insights for Better Health and Wellness

Apr 16, 2024
Wellbeing Interrupted Podcast Brainz Magazine



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Hey there, Teisha here and welcome to episode 15 of Wellbeing Interrupted. Busy time, at the moment we're in the middle of packing up our house and moving to our beautiful block of land. But I want to keep producing and publishing these podcast episodes. So over the next few weeks, it will be some shorter episodes because I need to prioritise my wellbeing, which I haven't been great at over the years. But I still want to stay connected. So in today's episode, I want to share with you something exciting that happened last week.


If you're connected to me on Instagram at Hurdle2Hope, or on LinkedIn, Teisha Rose, I announced that I've been invited to be an executive contributor for Brainz Magazine. I'll quickly read the little caption I wrote on Instagram, because it really states the reach, I guess, of this magazine, because it's a global publication. When I was invited to be part of this, someone in Stockholm contacted me and I had a Zoom meeting with him. And it's such an opportunity to reach a broad audience. And what I love about Brainz Magazine is that their focus is on business, but also lifestyle, mindset, health and wellbeing sustainability leadership. So the name is right up my alley, because I really think living well with a chronic illness really is about using our mindset. It's challenging our thinking, and working out how we can live well.


And part of being an Executive Contributor is that each month, I'll be writing an article, and that will go out to their audiences. But I'll also share it with the Hurdle2Hope® family as well. So today, in this quick episode, I don't want to again, all to be about me, I'll share a little bit about why I'm excited about this opportunity in the context of where I thought my career was going years ago. But then I want it to be a reminder for all of us that we have a voice and whether it's Brainz Magazine, or any other platform, it's so important that we share our insights with others, so we can all embrace life with our illnesses.


How Chronic Illness Can Change Your Career Path


As I've shared previously, I was diagnosed with MS when I was just 22 years of age. And one of my greatest struggles during my 20s was the impact MS was having on my career. I was so frustrated, because I just finished university had a couple of degrees started on the graduate program at a large corporation. And I was getting promotions and I was so excited about this path I was on and MS was stopping that from becoming a reality. It was putting a glass ceiling on my career. And when you're in your 20s and when you're so excited about what's in front of you, knowing that MS was stopping that from happening became so frustrating that that meant I kept pushing myself and I kept pushing myself to the detriment of my health. And I kept having relapses and I kept going back to hospital.


And I think I grieved during that time because I thought because I had MS that I couldn't evolve into the person I wanted to be. And that's why I'm excited about this opportunity with Brainz Magazine. Because it signifies to myself that others see that even despite having MS that I have evolved as a person, and I've gained so many insights in living with MS and getting through those dark periods, that those insights are of value to others, that someone like at Brainz Magazine think that their readership will benefit from those insights. And if you've been listening to previous episodes, those insights for me are all about my Hurdle2Hope® Roadmap, as I really wanted to create something that was tangible, that others could use when they're going through difficulties in their life, that particularly in relation to their health and wellbeing. And what I'm excited about is, I know now since been diagnosed with stage four breast cancer, that these insights work. And this last week, my interview with the publication was published. And I got to share about the Hurdle2Hope® Roadmap, and how I truly believe that that and the insights I share can impact others as well.


Hurdle2Hope®: Strengthening Our Health Support Ecosystem


When I first started Hurdle2Hope®, my motivation, my vision, was to really help others living with a life-changing illness. And I really thought the best way to do that was to work directly with people living with an illness. And absolutely, that's still a passion of mine. And it's something I'm really committed to doing and really want to do. And if you look in the show notes, you can take the healing journey quiz to see where you are on your healing journey. There's also a link to a master class, Reclaim Your Life. Again, all of this is really focusing on helping others living with a condition so we can embrace our life. But what I've come to realise over the past couple of months, I guess is that if I'm also to truly impact our lives, if I'm going to enable others to live well with their conditions, then I need to broaden the audience. I need to use these insights in working with those in our support networks, whether it's allied health professionals and running workshops, like I did a few weeks ago with an amazing group of physios, whether it's with medical professionals, whether it's with support persons caregivers, because if all of us had to leave well, then we all need to be on the same page. And that's why I'm also excited about Brains Magazine and the opportunity this brings as I can start some of these conversations, and challenge the thinking of others in the health and wellness sector.


Empowering Voices: Share Your Hurdle2Hope Story


I think this opportunity also says to all of us that the insights we gain in living without illnesses matter. You know that others are wanting to learn from us that if we've discovered ways to move forward, if we've discovered ways to get through the really dark periods, then we need to share those. Because we always need to remember that we're so much more than our conditions. And in living with whatever illness you have you learn and grow constantly. And there's so many insights you gain that it's wasted. If you hold on to these just for yourself. We want to hear from you.


And that's a really exciting component of the Wellbeing Interrupted podcast and in a couple of weeks I'll be doing my first Hurdle2Hope® Story because I want to bring other people's stories onto this platform. I want you to learn from others going through all different conditions. Also, please don't be shy in sharing with me what's going on in your life at the moment. So DM me on @hurdle2hope on Instagram, remember Hurdle2Hope® with the number two, you can also contact me on And I'd love to hear from you.


Final Reflections: From Brainz Magazine to Your Wellness Journey


So as I mentioned at the start, this is a really quick, quick episode, and it will be the same over the next couple of weeks. Because as I'm sitting here recording, someone's knocked at the back front door twice to ask permission for them to pick up some of our hard rubbish, an old couch, an old recliner at the front of our house, so it's full-on moving mode. At the moment, our house is full of boxes, my office is full of boxes, that I'm sitting here in front of my computer in front of my Blue Yeti microphone, wanting to connect with you.


As a quick recap, today, I really wanted to share with you that I've got this exciting opportunity to contribute to Brainz Magazine. And it's, for me been really exciting as it's something I love to do to put together challenging conversations. Because I know that to live well without illnesses, we really need to start thinking a bit differently, differently as individuals. But let's broaden it out. And let's start using our voices to challenge the thinking of the health and wellness sector.


So stay tuned as to what articles I'm writing. Down the bottom in the show notes, I'll put the link to my recent interview on Brainz. But I also want to make sure that through this episode, you're encouraged to also use your voice. Because you have gone through so much that we need to share all of those amazing insights you've gained to help others faced with challenges maybe from a completely different illness. But the challenges often are the same, whether it's dealing with really difficult times, such as a diagnosis or a new prognosis, whether it's going through the emotional overwhelm, of living with your condition and the relentless nature of that, or whether it's sharing insights to help us to move forward and to live well and to embrace life.